Mid-pregnancy your doctor would order you an anomaly scan; anywhere between the 18th and 21st week. This is one of the most important prenatal tests. Unfortunately, many couples forgo their doctor’s advice and don’t get the test done. Don’t be one of them!


Conditions the Scan can Detect

An ultrasound test, the fetal anomaly scan helps look for abnormalities in the unborn baby. The test can take anywhere around 30 minutes. It scans the baby’s body parts, checking for a range of conditions, including Gastroschisis, Exomphalos, Open spina bifida, Edwards’ syndrome or T18, Patau’s syndrome or T13, Cleft lip, Serious cardiac abnormalities, and more.

In the majority of the cases, the test report is usually normal. However, in some cases, the sonographer may see any anomaly in the report and they may seek a second opinion of an expert. Further tests may be ordered to confirm the condition.


What if There Are Abnormalities?

Post diagnosis, if there’s indeed any abnormality in the fetus, the doctor will provide a course of treatment or options. They will explain to you the findings in the report and help you understand the condition better. If the abnormality isn’t serious, it may be left as is to get better on its own. In other cases, the doctor and medical team will provide you advice, including the possible option of terminating the pregnancy.


Support from Mental Health Experts

If the report of the fetal anomaly scan is undesired, it can be an emotionally challenging time for the parents. At such times, in addition to the support from fetal medicine specialists and family doctors, they should also consider seeking help from mental health professionals. The latter can help them control themselves emotionally and make an informed decisions.


Visit Fetomat

Fetomat is one of the top clinics in Kolkata, specializing in fetal medicine and prenatal diagnosis. We offer end-to-end solutions for pregnant couples, including doing prenatal tests at our world-class facility. Whether you’re looking for an anomaly scan in Kolkata or chorion villus biopsy in Kolkata, Fetomat is a name you can trust. We have a team of doctors, including fetal medicine specialists, assuring to assist you throughout pregnancy, providing maximum support and ensuring a healthier baby and mother. For more information, please get in touch with us today.