First Trimester Screening (The 11-13 Weeks Scan)
This scan is carried out from 11 to 13 weeks and 6 days. The scan is usually performed trans-abdominally.

The Aim

To assess the risks of Down’s syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities. Each woman will be given an estimate of her individual risk for this pregnancy. This is calculated by taking into account the age and weight of the mother along with certain demographic I clinical variables, measurement of two pregnancy hormones in the mother’s blood (Free beta HCG & PAPA) and the scan findings of the thickness of the skin at the back of baby’s neck (nuchal translucency) with presence or absence of nasal bone.

To diagnose certain major physical abnormalities of the baby which may be visible at this stage.
Second Trimester Screening (Quadruple Test)

The Interpretation
Based on the calculation, the test will be reported as either Negative Screening (Normal result) or Positive Screening (Abnormal result). Parents will receive full counselling concerning the significance of the positive test and the various options for further testing. You can then decide if you wish to have an invasive diagnostic test for final confirmation of any problem in the baby.
If the test is reported as normal, it is recommended that you have an Anomaly Scan at 20 weeks to check for physical abnormalities in the baby.
The Preparation & After

You may eat normally before.