Genetic Counselling is offered by certified healthcare professionals, known as Genetic Counsellors, who can help you understand a particular genetic/chromosomal disorder in your family by:

Interpreting your family and clinical history with respect to a particular genetic condition

At Fetomat Wellness, you may avail Genetic Counselling Services for:
1: PRENATAL GENETICS – Offering Pre-test and Post-test Genetic Counselling, before and after undergoing a prenatal diagnosis procedure (either CVS or amniocentesis), for any pregnancy termed ‘at risk’ due to one/more of the following reasons:

Advanced maternal age (maternal age = 35years and above)

2: PAEDIATRIC GENETIC COUNSELLING – For couples who wish to plan for a future pregnancy, but have/had a previous child affected with a diagnosed/suspected genetic condition or chromosomal anomaly. Genetic Counselling can be offered to:

Help establish a clinical diagnosis for the affected child by networking with a team of doctors and healthcare specialists

Explore options related to ‘carrier testing’ of the couple (if available) if genetic testing is not an option for the affected child (i.e. deceased).

3: PRECONCEPTION GENETIC COUNSELLING – For couples who wish to plan for a future pregnancy and have concerns related to:

Suffering from a Bad Obstetric History (BOH) – have suffered multiple pregnancy losses

Knowing about recurrence risks associated with a genetic condition in the family