Home > Genetic Counselling Clinic

Genetic Counselling is offered by certified healthcare professionals, known as Genetic Counsellors, who can help you understand a particular genetic/chromosomal disorder in your family by:


Interpreting your family and clinical history with respect to a particular genetic condition

Assessing the recurrence risks associated with the genetic condition
Providing information about the pattern of inheritance of the genetic condition
Providing options related to genetic testing or chromosomal analysis
Offering a ‘non-directive’ mode of Genetic Counselling, which involves clear explanation of facts and providing accurate information so that you can make an ‘informed decision’ about your ongoing or future pregnancy

At Fetomat Wellness, you may avail Genetic Counselling Services for:

1: PRENATAL GENETICS – Offering Pre-test and Post-test Genetic Counselling, before and after undergoing a prenatal diagnosis procedure (either CVS or amniocentesis), for any pregnancy termed ‘at risk’ due to one/more of the following reasons:


Advanced maternal age (maternal age = 35years and above)

Abnormal maternal serum screening result (FTS or Quadruple Screening)
Fetal Ultrasound findings suggestive of a chromosomal/genetic condition
Previous affected child or family member with a diagnosed/suspected genetic condition
Ethnicity is at increased risk for genetic disease (such b-Thalassemia in West Bengal).
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2: PAEDIATRIC GENETIC COUNSELLING – For couples who wish to plan for a future pregnancy, but have/had a previous child affected with a diagnosed/suspected genetic condition or chromosomal anomaly. Genetic Counselling can be offered to:


Help establish a clinical diagnosis for the affected child by networking with a team of doctors and healthcare specialists

Offer options related to symptomatic management and treatment of manifestations of the affected child using a multi-disciplinary approach
Confirm the clinical diagnosis for the child by providing options related to genetic testing with informed parental consent
Discuss options related to Prenatal Diagnosis for future pregnancies in the event of an identified mutation in the previous child

Explore options related to ‘carrier testing’ of the couple (if available) if genetic testing is not an option for the affected child (i.e. deceased).

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3: PRECONCEPTION GENETIC COUNSELLING – For couples who wish to plan for a future pregnancy and have concerns related to:


Suffering from a Bad Obstetric History (BOH) – have suffered multiple pregnancy losses

Having an identified chromosomal anomaly (such as a balanced translocation) in the karyotype report
Being ‘carriers’ of a particular genetic disorder

Knowing about recurrence risks associated with a genetic condition in the family

Genetic counselling sessions usually last between 45 and 60 minutes. You are welcome to bring your concerns to the session and can even bring a relative who knows these details. Confidentiality will always be maintained and no details shall be disclosed to any other family member who does not have your consent to be privy to the information discussed during the session. Follow-up sessions are likely to be scheduled with your permission for any blood tests to be offered/ more information to be provided related to the genetic condition. Genetic counsellors are ‘patient advocates’, and we would respect your final decision and abide by it. A thorough Case Summary will be provided to you and your referring physician at the end of your final follow-up session.