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What Is Recurrent Miscarriage?

A miscarriage is when you lose a pregnancy at some point in the first 23 weeks. When this happens three or more times, doctors call this as recurrent miscarriage. Around one woman in every 100 has recurrent miscarriages.

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Why Does It Happen?

A number of things may play a part in this complicated problem:

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The older you are, the greater your risk of having a miscarriage.
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Five in every 100 women or their partner may have an abnormality on one of their chromosomes,
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Around 15 in every 100 women who have had recurrent miscarriages have an abnormal content in their blood, called antiphospholipid antibodies. Their chances of a successful pregnancy without treatment may be only 10%. In Certain inherited conditions, blood may be more likely to clot than is usual. These conditions are known as thrombophilia, which may play a part in miscarriage
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Some Women have a Womb structure defect or weakness of the entrance of the womb (the cervix). They are more likely to miscarry or give birth early.
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Having polycystic ovaries, Diabetes or Thyroid disorders or vaginal infection during pregnancy can also be a cause of recurrent miscarriage

What Can Be Done?

If a definite cause is found, treating it before or during pregnancy will improve the chance of a successful pregnancy significantly. Often despite careful investigations, the reasons for recurrent miscarriages cannot be found. However, even if they have not found a definite reason for your miscarriages, you still have a good chance (three out of four) of a healthy birth

Fetomaternal Medicine has revolutionized the care in women with recurrent miscarriages.